Where Artistry Meets Craftsmanship

Wagner specializes in Commercial, Institutional, and Residential roofing with a focus on historic restoration. From repairs to replacements, Wagner employs career craftsmen experienced in working with all types of roofing systems and exterior materials.

Roof Replacements

Commercial Roofing

Specializing in commercial roof replacements on complex and often historic properties that involve an extra level of understanding and detail

Residential Roofing

By combining modern resources with proven, traditional design methodologies and leveraging our long-standing industry contacts, our process begins by analyzing the architectural design of the home and its relationship with the surrounding neighborhood that it represents.

Institutional Roofing

We are a trusted partner with all types of private institutions, including religious campuses, government buildings, schools, universities, embassies, museums, banks, non-profits, etc.

Roof Maintenance & Repairs

Commercial Maintenance

Wagner-designed commercial roof maintenance programs are developed to give you a clear view of the future life of your roof and maximize its lifespan.

Roof maintenance

Residential Service

Our experienced Service mechanics are equipped to repair and maintain the exterior of your residential property.